Sunday, February 9, 2014


The outfits I wear with my two pairs of glasses differ drastically. When it's this pair, I tend to work with dark and earthy colours. The other pair, bright colours. I actually dreaded going back to wearing glasses again but this is fun.

My mother and I went out for another dog walk in the sunshine on Saturday. When it's cloudy out winter can be really gloomy and bland, but when the sun shines... It's so heart-achingly beautiful.

It's amazing how different the same place can look, depending on the sun and the clouds and the season. The last photo is one I took several hours after the others, when the sun was setting and more clouds had moved in. I expect there will be many more photos of this little bay in the year to come. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. it's funny how little things like the addition of glasses or a hair cut can affect what we wear and how we wear them! i never tire of looking at the sky...beautiful pictures.
