This past Friday, I packed up my van with gear and headed out camping. Unfortunately for me, there was a rowdy and rude group of youths there with ATVs and a sound system they seemed to think everybody wanted to listen to, so I left a day early. It's difficult to relax when you have 7 motorized vehicles tearing around the campsite in the day and pop music playing until all hours of the night so loud you can't even hear the frogs or loons...

I had some peace, when they all left to go tear around on their noisy machines elsewhere for a few hours. I even took a swim in the lake. The water was very cold, but clear, and it felt wonderful after sitting in the hot sun. And I just love sitting in the hot sun again to warm and dry off. I did get a bit of a sunburn, but ah well! I also thoroughly enjoyed my camp food. I brought homemade soup in baggies to reheat, and boiled up tasty eggs.
I ran around barefoot basically from the get go, the ground was covered in a soft mat of pine needles so it was easy on my feet. I hadn't thought to bring a bathing suit so I just stripped down to my skivvies and went in like that, which suited me fine. There were hardly any biting bugs to bother me so I spent the majority of the day barely clothed, just how I like it.
While it was a less than ideal first camping trip of the year, I still enjoyed it. Hopefully my next go will really give me some peace and solitude. Cheers!